The Guitar Language
Nobody can be forbidden to use any arbitrarily producible event or object as a sign for something. (Frege 1892, "On Sense and Reference")I have an extremely liberal notion of what a language is---Lewis's abstract view. A language is any bunch of syntax, possibly along with meaning functions. The syntax can be pretty much anything; the symbols can be pretty much anything; the meaning functions can be pretty much anything; and the meaning values can be pretty much anything.
I want to define a language
First let me stipulate (just for this context here) that "
Second let me define three propositions:
Finally I define the Guitar Languagethe proposition that Paul McCartney is a lizard.
the proposition that Yoko Ono was born in Wrexham.
the proposition that Ringo Starr plays drums.
(1) the alphabet ofThis languageis . The only strings in are these symbols.
(2) the meanings of these strings, relative to, are given by the following meaning function :
(3) For any guitar.
. , an action is a speech act of asserting in iff it consists in tapping the machine head of the G-string of twice, with one's left thumb.
It seems that the right thing to say is that an agent cognizes
Unfortunately, speaking
But just for good measure, here is a photo of the symbols,
Hi Jeff,
iff it consists in tapping the machine head of the G-string of twice, with one's left thumb."
ReplyDeleteI'm probably being dense, but I think clause (3) should read: "An action is a speech act of asserting
Philosophical question: is it legitimate to stipulate the alphabet and the speech act separately? If it is, then there is an issue about radical underdetermination of alphabet!
Hi Tim,
"; but I guess, properly speaking, what one asserts is the content ... I should change it! " is unrestricted? I guess I just need the quantifiers written right (so the only things that can be asserted are elements of the alphabet). But hopefully, the context makes it clear.
ReplyDeleteI think you're right on both points.
On the first, I was originally thinking of writing "uttering
The second point is right too - because "
Hi Jeff,
by tapping the machinehead of the G-string of twice, with his left thumb. by tapping the machinehead of the G-string of twice, with his left thumb. by tapping the machinehead of the G-string of twice, with his left thumb.
? A trivial alternative is that it is 's machinehad, 's machinehead, 's machinehead . Less trivial alternatives involve permutation on , and .
ReplyDeleteI think maybe I was unclear on my philosophical question. What I had in mind was more related to what we were discussing a while back, about underdetermination of syntax. Here's the thought in more detail.
Suppose you're using the guitar language to make speech acts. I'm interpreting you, and I get to the stage of saying:
(a) Jeff asserts
(b) Jeff asserts
(c) Jeff asserts
All good! But now why should I think that the alphabet of your language is
Hi Tim,
, which has extensionally distinct syntax from the original .
or , even in the sense of underdetermining what the syntax is!
, the distinguished syntactic items of would have to be "intentional objects" of the agent, so the agent intends to assign to , etc. But, of course, even that might leave considerable indeterminacy! Particularly if one is sceptical about invoking heavy-duty intentional content.
ReplyDeleteYes, right - apologies, I'm being slow ...
So, on my preferred (Lewisian) setup, we redefine a new guitar language,
Then your argument shows that the U-facts (a), (b) and (c) (about Jeff's speech acts) underdetermine the C-facts -- so, it's underdetermined whether Jeff cognizes
The only solution I can think of would be to require that when an agent cognizes the syntax of