Workshop: Operationalizing Epistemic Concepts
Operationalizing Epistemic Concepts
10-13 September, 2012
Aachen, Germany
(within the DFG Priority Program New Frameworks of Rationality)
Philosophical explications of
central epistemic concepts such as inductive support, explanation, coherence or
conditional reasoning can often be effectively guided by experimentation.
However, due to their disciplinary background, most philosophers do not have
the in-house competence to effectively design such experiments, and to
operationalize and measure theoretical concepts. Vice versa, experimental psychologists interested in how people reason are
often not aware that longstanding or cutting-edge research in philosophy can
have implications for their own research targets, or find it difficult to
connect philosophical theories to their own research questions. On the other
hand, psychologists are usually equipped with strong theoretical, but also
practical knowledge about important strategies and pitfalls when it comes to
designing and implementing an experiment. Therefore we organize this workshop where both fields are brought together, and
where the methodology of operationalizing epistemic concepts is investigated
both from a theoretical and an empirical point of view. How should we devise
elicitation procedures for complex and potentially ambiguous epistemic notions?
How should we work out predictions that are precise enough to be put to
empirical test? Which experimental paradigms should be adopted in research on
human reasoning? How can we connect the philosophical interpretation of
epistemic concepts to the long-lasting empirical tradition in psychology?
Organized by
Vincenzo Crupi, MCMP and
University of Turin
Henrik Singmann, University of Freiburg
Jan Sprenger, Tilburg University
Henrik Singmann, University of Freiburg
Jan Sprenger, Tilburg University
Vincenzo Crupi, MCMP and
University of Turin
Igor Douven, University of Groningen
David Lagnado, UCL
Björn Meder, MPI Berlin
David Kellen and Henrik Singmann, University of Freiburg
Anyone interested in attending can register by email to:
The Priority Program New Frameworks of Rationality (SPP 1516) has been launched in 2010 by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinshaft (DFG) and is designed to run for six years.
The goal of
the program is to overcome a long lasting lack of collaboration between
psychologists, philosophers and other research communities (such as AI) in order to develop new theoretical frameworks for the study of human
rationality. Go here for further details and here for an overview of the research projects funded within the Program.
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