U(1) and Nominalism
In 1987, I accidentally bought the The Joshua Tree, by U2, out of curiosity. A few weeks later, I gave it away!
Anyway, this isn't about U2, it's about U(1) and nominalism. U(1) is the Lie group of rotations about an axis, parametrized by some angle . So, you might rotate a coffee cup around a vertical axis through the middle of cup, by a certain angle . Indeed, if the cup is quite "symmetrical", then the result always "looks the same": roughly, this is because the set of points occupied by the material of the coffee cup remains invariant when every point is rotated by the rotation : in symbols, . Each of these rotations is parametrized by an angle ; the rotations can be composed, there is an "identity" rotation (i.e., angle ) and each rotation has an inverse. So, the set of rotations forms a group.
Well, that's physicsese. In mathematicsese, U(n) is the unitary group of matrices, and U(1) is the case where . The elements of U(1) are identified with the complex numbers , and group multiplication is simply complex multiplication. The identity is and the inverse of is . U(1) is Abelian because multiplication of complex numbers, , is commuative: in this case, . The connection between rotations and with complex numbers comes from the 2-dimensional representation of as the plane. If , then is the result of "rotating" by angle (about the origin).
Nominalism is the philosophical doctrine that there are no abstract entities, and, a fortiori, no numbers, sets, functions, groups, manifolds, Hilbert spaces and so on. Consequently, as frequently pointed out by Quine and Putnam, nominalism is inconsistent with science. For example, the following is a true statement of physics:
A very brief explanation of gauge theory: Particles of matter are described by some field ; and, if they are charged, then is a complex field, so , at each point in spacetime. Associated with the field is a quantity called the Lagrangian (written ) which, via an "action principle", implies the equations of motion for the field: e.g., a certain Lagrangian for the field implies that satisfies the Klein-Gordon equation: by a constant phase factor (which is a kind of rotation of each complex number specifying the field). That is,
invariant. We say that the Lagrangian has a global U(1) symmetry (= a global gauge invariance; = a global gauge symmetry).
However, what if is subjected to a local gauge transformation, a local phase rotation, i.e., can be non-constant function, varying from point to point? It turns out that the Lagrangian is not invariant.
However, this invariance can be restored by introducing a new compensating gauge field, , and a modified Lagrangian , so that under a gauge transformation , the field transforms to is called a gauge field: the U(1) gauge field, which "couples" with the (current of the) original charged matter field exactly as the electromagnetic field does: gives rise to the electromagnetic field. More exactly, is the electromagnetic potential: the electromagnetic field itself is the exterior derivative, . And the field is gauge-invariant.
Here is a really brilliant exposition of the ideas of gauge theories, and much more (co-ordinate systems, fibre bundles and whatnot), by Terence Tao.
[Update (Aug 30th), minor changes.]
Anyway, this isn't about U2, it's about U(1) and nominalism. U(1) is the Lie group of rotations
Well, that's physicsese. In mathematicsese, U(n) is the unitary group of
Nominalism is the philosophical doctrine that there are no abstract entities, and, a fortiori, no numbers, sets, functions, groups, manifolds, Hilbert spaces and so on. Consequently, as frequently pointed out by Quine and Putnam, nominalism is inconsistent with science. For example, the following is a true statement of physics:
U(1) is the gauge group of the electromagnetic fieldIf nominalism is true, then there are no groups. If there are no groups, then this statement of physics is false..
A very brief explanation of gauge theory: Particles of matter are described by some field
Suppose one multiplies the field.
One can check that leaves the Lagrangian.
However, what if
where the parameter,
However, this invariance can be restored by introducing a new compensating gauge field,
The resulting field.
Here is a really brilliant exposition of the ideas of gauge theories, and much more (co-ordinate systems, fibre bundles and whatnot), by Terence Tao.
[Update (Aug 30th), minor changes.]
Great post. One problem: how does one accidentally do something out of curiosity?
ReplyDeleteAdmittedly, it's quite incoherent! Still, I blame Bono for my incoherence.