CfP: Formal Ethics 2014, EIPE, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Call for Papers
Formal Ethics 2014,
EIPE, Erasmus University Rotterdam
The application of formal tools (e.g. from logic, rational choice theory, natural language semantics, AI) to the analysis of ethical concepts and theories is a rapidly growing field of research. It has shed new light on a variety of concepts that are central to ethical theory, such as freedom, responsibility, values, norms, and conventions. For information about previous Formal Ethics conferences, please take a look at or . The program, tutorial, and working session links there will provide some indication of the breadth of possible topics and formal approaches.
We invite submissions to Formal Ethics 2014, to be held at the Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics (EIPE) at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. The workshop aims to bring together researchers who are employing formal tools to address questions in ethics and/or political philosophy. We encourage graduate students and members of underrepresented groups to submit to this conference.
Keynote speakers
MARC FLEURBAEY (Princeton and Paris)
ULLA WESSELS (Saarbruecken)
Authors should send an extended abstract (1000 words max, pdf or postscript format) suitable for anonymous review, together with their name, institutional affiliation(s) and current position(s) in the body of the email to the Organizing Committee with the subject 'Submission' in the email topic.
Submission topics
Submissions in all areas of formal ethics, broadly construed, are welcome. For Formal Ethics 2014, submissions related to intergenerational ethics, such as population ethics, environmental ethics, and intergenerational justice as well as happiness and freedom are particularly welcome.
Important Dates
Deadline for submissions: March 1, 2014
Notification of acceptance: March 31, 2014
Conference: May 30 and 31, 2014
Local Organizing Committee
Constanze Binder (Rotterdam)
Conrad Heilmann (Rotterdam)
Steering Committee of Formal Ethics Conference Series
Albert J.J. Anglberger (Munich), Constanze Binder (Rotterdam), Conrad Heilmann (Rotterdam), Paul McNamara (New Hampshire)
Contact and further information
Email: ( )
Institutional Support
Formal Ethics 2014 is supported by the Erasmus Institute of Philosophy and Economics (EIPE) and the Faculty of Philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organization (EHERO) and the Marie Curie programme (FP7) of the European Union.
Formal Ethics 2014,
EIPE, Erasmus University Rotterdam
The application of formal tools (e.g. from logic, rational choice theory, natural language semantics, AI) to the analysis of ethical concepts and theories is a rapidly growing field of research. It has shed new light on a variety of concepts that are central to ethical theory, such as freedom, responsibility, values, norms, and conventions. For information about previous Formal Ethics conferences, please take a look at http://2012.formalethics.
We invite submissions to Formal Ethics 2014, to be held at the Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics (EIPE) at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. The workshop aims to bring together researchers who are employing formal tools to address questions in ethics and/or political philosophy. We encourage graduate students and members of underrepresented groups to submit to this conference.
Keynote speakers
MARC FLEURBAEY (Princeton and Paris)
ULLA WESSELS (Saarbruecken)
Authors should send an extended abstract (1000 words max, pdf or postscript format) suitable for anonymous review, together with their name, institutional affiliation(s) and current position(s) in the body of the email to the Organizing Committee with the subject 'Submission' in the email topic.
Submission topics
Submissions in all areas of formal ethics, broadly construed, are welcome. For Formal Ethics 2014, submissions related to intergenerational ethics, such as population ethics, environmental ethics, and intergenerational justice as well as happiness and freedom are particularly welcome.
Important Dates
Deadline for submissions: March 1, 2014
Notification of acceptance: March 31, 2014
Conference: May 30 and 31, 2014
Local Organizing Committee
Constanze Binder (Rotterdam)
Conrad Heilmann (Rotterdam)
Steering Committee of Formal Ethics Conference Series
Albert J.J. Anglberger (Munich), Constanze Binder (Rotterdam), Conrad Heilmann (Rotterdam), Paul McNamara (New Hampshire)
Contact and further information
Email: organization@
Web: http://www.formalethics.
Institutional Support
Formal Ethics 2014 is supported by the Erasmus Institute of Philosophy and Economics (EIPE) and the Faculty of Philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organization (EHERO) and the Marie Curie programme (FP7) of the European Union.
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